When it comes to marketing yourself, LinkedIn is the place to do it, especially in the beginning. The ability to connect with others in your field and apply for jobs in your area makes it a one-stop shop for any career needs. Continue reading for 15 LinkedIn tactics to build your brand’s reputation.
In the 20 years since it was launched, LinkedIn has cemented its reputation as the go-to online destination for business professionals, especially in the entrepreneurial community. Whether you’re a new startup founder, a serial entrepreneur or an established business owner, you can use LinkedIn to grow your network and find collaboration opportunities while generating brand awareness.
If you’re new to LinkedIn or haven’t captured its full potential, there are a few ways you can leverage the platform to build your brand’s reputation. Below, 15 members of Forbes Business Council each shared one specific LinkedIn strategy to achieve this goal.
1. Create Thought Leadership Content
Think about your target audience and what they want to hear. Create a consistent and unique perspective. Ensure the way you present yourself and your brand is authentic and feels natural. Use the power of video and bring your team to the forefront, showing the human faces and voices behind the brand. – Samuel Johnston, nth Venture
2. Plan A LinkedIn Newsletter
With a well-planned LinkedIn Newsletter, entrepreneurs can share their expertise on a specific topic to establish themselves as an expert in their field. Publishing curated content regularly will not only increase their brand’s reputation, but it is also an effective way to generate qualified leads. – Marilisa Barbieri
3. Regularly Schedule Posts
Set up a regular schedule for LinkedIn posts to establish yourself and your company as a thought leader in your industry. Regular, original posts that meet the goals you have in place for your LinkedIn page increase your visibility and expand your reach. Then go out and engage with others; it is a social network, after all. – Ty Allen, SocialClimb
4. Optimize Your Profile
Fine-tune your profile. LinkedIn has a different persona to it and your profile is a large part of that. Where a lot of other social media outlets focus on what you post, LinkedIn users tend to actually check out the profiles of people they want to connect with. Fill out all the sections in the profile including endorsements and references. – Sam Kaufman, On The Level Construction, LLC
5. Leverage Networking Opportunities
One of the best ways to use LinkedIn is for networking. I think that if you can network and collaborate with people across LinkedIn, it will allow you to build more relationships and trust with other people’s networks. This can be powerful in helping you establish a strong brand. – Michael Leonard, The Market Vibe
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Original article published on forbes.com