Every business owner should be in the market for tips to improve your website. Your business website might be humming along, attracting traffic and generating traction. But what if there’s still untapped potential waiting to be unleashed? In today’s competitive digital arena, continual improvement is key to staying ahead. Here are eight curated actionable tips to revitalize your online presence and maximize its impact.
Your business website may seem to function effectively enough, and you may even be getting a decent amount of conversions from the web traffic you manage to bring in. However, odds are, your website can still be improved. Here are 8 tips to improve your website:
1. Do a little spring cleaning – Go through your website and remove elements that could be hindering its performance. For example, get rid of complicated animations that could be slowing down your load times, remove poor quality stock images and make sure the content on your site isn’t too long. Most visitors aren’t going to have the patience to slog through pages of text. This means that you may want to break up longer pieces of content by using things like bullets, headers or even images.
2. Add social share buttons – Make it easy for your readers to share the content that they like to the social media platform of their choice by adding social share buttons to all of your content. This eliminates the need for them to copy the link to your content and paste it into their social media page. Instead, they can instantly share with just a click of a button. Not only does it make sharing easier for them, it will help increase exposure of your content, thereby bringing in more traffic and potentially more leads.
3. Add calls-to-action – Without calls-to-action, your readers aren’t going to know what you want them to do. Not only should you add calls-to-action to every page, you should spend some time figuring out exactly what you want your readers to do and how it’s relevant to the page that they are on. Your calls-to-action should offer an incentive to readers, such as materials that will allow them to solve their pain points.
4. Make sure navigation is easy – If it’s difficult for a visitors to go through your website and find what they are looking for, then they aren’t going to spend very long on your website. Make sure the navigation bar is near the top of the page where it can be easily found. Include things like links to your homepage, your blog, your online store, your about page and your contact page. You should also have a search bar as well as a sitemap to make things even more user-friendly.
5. Optimize your business website for mobile use – Make sure that your website will load, function and display properly when visited on a mobile device. If it doesn’t, it will not only hurt your mobile SEO, it will also cost you a large portion of your audience, who are most likely visiting your site on a smartphone or tablet.
6. Implement an SEO strategy – Develop an SEO strategy that takes into account your buyer persona so that you can create relevant content. Optimize your content using the keywords your audience would use to perform searches in order to make your site more visible.
7. Find broken links – There are numerous tools out there that you can use to identify broken links and unknown 404s. These can drive away visitors as well as hurt your search rankings, so make sure you fix them.
8. Perform A/B tests – Use A/B testing to figure out what works best for your site, from color schemes and text placement to calls-to-action and headers. Simple elements like these can make a huge difference.
Original article published on blog.envisionitsolutions.com