How often have you said, “Life just isn’t fair…” or “Why do other people seem to catch all the good breaks and I get none…”
It always seems that when we are at some of our lowest points in life (personally or professionally), there is one final negative nudge (or push) that wants to permanently defeat us. The situation is made even worse when those around us seem to have everything “going for them” at that particular moment in time.
The one thing that we do control during these times is our ATTITUDE. While easier said than done, a positive outlook/mindset can be a critical component of overcoming a “bad luck” string or prolonged period of time. Very simply, focusing on the things we have achieved versus those that we have not yet accomplished can be critical for the long term. It can also be extremely helpful in seeking out elements we can control versus those that we cannot. So many people try to “control situations” where they do not “hold all of the cards.” It can be very frustrating and disappointing when one cannot influence all of the factors that need to be “handled” in order to truly “control” a situation.
Therefore, regardless of an individual’s upbringing, educated versus uneducated, blue collar versus white collar, rural versus metropolitan, etc., life will more than likely end up not being “fair” at some point! Your attitude and outlook for life will be direct factors in your ability to handle (or not handle) those “unfair” times! Stay confident and focused. Better days are always just around the corner!
Until next time…
“Change…Part Nature…Part Opportunity”